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Medact Nuclear Report

Report outlining the pitfalls of Britain's dependency on nuclear weapons

Medact report
in collaboration with Montfort

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Client | Medact through Montfort

Objective | To produce a report which mobilises interest and concern in health community about nuclear weapons

Our role | Design


Highlighting the British reliance on an increasingly redundant approach to national security.

Medact encourages and enables the health community to be effective and progressive social change agents. They work with organisations that have specialised knowledge in fields such as nuclear disarmament, climate science, economics, energy, agriculture, water and international law.

This report highlights the international treaty now banning nuclear weapons and questions Britain's continued investment in Trident. Medact hope this report rejuvenates a medical campaign against nuclear weapons, as well as growing membership for Medact.

Digital marketing agency, Monfort commissioned us to design the report which needed to reflect the Medact brand guidelines but also to give a fresh new feel to this report suitable to the serious subject matter. The report incorporated infographics and strong imagery to bring home to reality of the situation.

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Thanks for the quick work - really impressed by your work and service! I love the look of the report itself, it looks really engaging and easy to read and scan.
— Ben Matthews at Montfort